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Thursday, March 13

10:00am EDT

Play Your Way To Success
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Participants will use LEGO bricks to build 3D models. They are asked to 'build' based on a question they are asked (Build a model where you feel your creativity shines) 2) They share their model (This provides them with story telling confidence and allows others to get to know them - find commonalities/differences) 3) Reflect - participants reflect on the experience, their learnings etc. Depending on the number of participants we will be able to get through 2-3 questions. A final question in each workshop is to build "one action they will take away and apply to their work/life."

Key Takeaways:
  • Confidence (in their ability to share)
  • Story Telling (ability to use alternative methods for sharing their thoughts) 
  • Awareness (through a tactile exercise they can learn something about themselves and others for which a question may not uncover or unlock)
avatar for Gail R Kulas

Gail R Kulas

CFO - Chief Fun Officer, Leading to Unlock, LLC
Gail is a self-described “itchy sweater” - she helps people become more comfortable being uncomfortable.  She is a dynamic force in the world of business strategy, education, and personal development. As the founder of Leading to Unlock, she has dedicated her career to unlocking... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Room 218

1:00pm EDT

Probe the Power of Play and Paradox
Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Do you ever get stuck when deliberate creativity bumps up against reality? Do you know why? In this discovery-focused workshop, you'll combine to powerful strategies to gain insights into yourself and the creative process. You'll start with the Playmobil ProPlay™ method--a way to invoke that magical mindset that allows you to see and say things through play that are often difficult to express through words alone. Next, you'll apply Polarity Thinking™, the both/and approach that enables you to understand and leverage the normal tension of interdependent truths (for example, Focus on the Team AND focus on the individual) to shatter the most common barriers to truly productive problem solving.

Key Takeaways:
  • Explore ProPlay™ as a tool for understanding the key forces that can both constrain and liberate your thinking
  • Discover basic Polarity Thinking™ principles and explore at least one creativity polarity that is important for you
  • Challenge yourself to think about specific applications of these insights for those you lead, facilitate, and work with
avatar for Tim Hurson

Tim Hurson

Consultant and Facilitator
In third grade, Tim spread pasted sheets of paper, sticky-side up, on his classroom floor. He was thrilled with the results. Not much has changed, though he now focuses on more productive activities as an innovation consultant and facilitator for businesses and social purpose start-ups... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 218

4:30pm EDT

Using the Enneagram to Facilitate Creative Growth
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This will be an engaging workshop that invites participants to explore the both the strengths and challenges of their personality style and learn ways to maximize the creative flow in themselves and others by thinking critically, engaging empathy, and acting mindfully.  Attendees will learn about Enneagram personality styles, wings, subtypes, and patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing when in stress and when at our best that either hinder or support creativity and growth.  They will collaboratively create action plans based on personality styles to help them move through their creative blocks.

Key Takeaways:
  • A deep dive into multiple ways to utilize the Enneagram to support their creative growth.
  • Ideas for how to facilitate creativity of others based on different personality styles.
  • Links for free resources to support their continued creative growth using the Enneagram.
avatar for Dr. Helene Robinson

Dr. Helene Robinson

Director of Critical & Creative Design Thinking Program, University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee Campus
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 209
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