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Friday, March 14

9:00am EDT

How to Have An Unforgettably Creative Life
Friday March 14, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Have you ever wished for a creative life, filled with joy and gratefulness? To live a creative life is to fully live, to be able to find the child in you and to get permission for it to express itself whenever. Imagine being able to easily find and tap into that part of you, light your way each day, to support you in your journey so that you can commit to making the rest of your life one unforgettably incredible creative adventure! In this session, we will explore it through group interaction and using wonderful handouts, quotations and stories, what an unforgettably creative life looks like, what gets in your way, how do we make it better and how do we know it's working? The sessions is guaranteed to put a smile on your creative face, to warm your creative heart, and to be unforgettable.

Key Takeaways:
  • Define what an unforgettably creative life would look like
  • Describe what gets in your way of having an incredibly creative life
  • Explore ways of making it better
  • Leave with techniques to keeping this new life fresh...forever
avatar for Steve Shama

Steve Shama

Retired, JoyWorks
Steve is a retired physician and a proud 25 year member of the CPSI and the creativity community, giving  many sessions at CPSI and Mindcamp. He's a full time professional speaker,  engaging audiences on topics dear to his heart…endearing communications, empathic connections between... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Room 208

1:00pm EDT

Pause and Ponder: Enhancing Focus through Guided Contemplation
Friday March 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
In this session, participants will engage in a series of hands-on contemplation activities designed to focus attention, deepen engagement, and enhance understanding. Using different modalities—writing, drawing, looking—you will explore how contemplative practices help build sustained attention skills and inspire inquiry and insight, revealing new ways of knowing. In addition to helping viewers develop deeper reflective practices around art viewing, participants will also consider how these activities could be used as part of their general facilitation toolbox.

Key Takeaways: 
  • Learn the basics of contemplative pedagogy.
  • Engage in several deep encounters with works of art.
  • Gain a few new tools for your facilitation practice.
avatar for Kim Macuare, Ph.D

Kim Macuare, Ph.D

Director of Education and Co-Director of Innovation Labs, The Dali Museum
In her role as the lead program designer and facilitator for the Innovation Labs, Kim has helped many organizations—from non-profits to government entities to Fortune 100 companies—build their innovation capacities by developing creativity-focused mindsets and problem-solving... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 218

4:30pm EDT

AI & CPS: Powering Up Creative Problem-Solving
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Welcome to a fresh look at how Artificial Intelligence could become a powerful partner in Creative Problem-Solving! This session will give you an engaging overview of AI’s potential to streamline effort, speed up results, and even enhance the CPS experience. Together, we'll brainstorm, explore, tinker and discuss how AI can both open doors and raise questions, all while keeping our focus on the ways it can improve our ability to support ourselves and our clients.

Key Takeaways:
  • A fun, friendly look at where we are now with AI integrations as of March 2025.
  • How AI might impact the CPS process in practical and surprising ways.
  • Strategies to embrace AI’s potential in CPS while being mindful of any potential pitfalls.
avatar for Bradford Partridge

Bradford Partridge

Chief Goaling Officer, Goaling Places LLC
A certified life coach and creator of The Goaling Method, Brad Partridge specializing in CPS, Career and Goal Coaching.Brad has worked in corporate partnership management, sales, marketing, and consulting within the theme park (3), media (TV, radio, print and online), pro sports... Read More →
avatar for Kristen Petersen

Kristen Petersen

Adjunct Professor, Creativity & Change Leadership, SUNY Buffalo State University
Kristen Peterson is a master facilitator, trainer and organizational development consultant who specializes in the people skills organizations need to create growth through innovation. She brings a big dose of passion, energy, and infectious can-do mentality to her work as an Innovation... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 218

4:30pm EDT

The new sciences of creativity, newness, and Genius: in search of Vincents, Pablos, and Salvadors
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This is a unique practical session that shapes NEW geniuses in the field of visual arts. It uses the Genius Education Methodology to wake up genius and lead the participants to the genius path. At least three geniuses will walk out of the door — this is the planned outcome. 

Key Takeaways:
  • Scientific approach accelerates development immensely
  • Genius explained scientifically is easier to develop.
  • Be a new Genius!
avatar for Andrei Aleinikov

Andrei Aleinikov

Retired, International Academy of Genius, President
Dr. Andrei Aleinikov is “the MegaCreativity Man” as Dr. Torrance called him for the discovery of megacreativity, for founding 10 new sciences, including the sciences of newness, creativity, and genius, for the discovery of 11 new laws of conservation, for publishing over 160 books... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 208
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