Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
We all experience creative blocks! Whether working on a blog post, a piece of art, or a client presentation, we sometimes freeze in front of a blank canvas (or an empty Google Slide). This sense of paralysis can lead to internal conflict, judgment, or shame—but it can also create a pathway to greater intimacy with ourselves. In this workshop, you will learn a unique step-by-step approach to turning creative blocks into opportunities for self-connection and growth.

Key Takeaways:
  • Learn a step-by-step process to turn creative blocks into opportunities for self-knowledge and deeper self-expression.
  • Practice identifying the assumptions and expectations that may be limiting your creativity.
  • Explore the difference between emotions and perceptions, and practice recognizing the emotions that arise when feeling disconnected from your creativity—so you can transform them.
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Verónica Márquez

Somatic Practitioner, Executive Coach, Researcher, Self Employed
I’m a Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Executive Coach and Founder of Between Us - a global initiative that aims to alleviate disconnection and loneliness by fostering community discussions on complex topics like belonging, anger, and power. Over the past six years... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT

Attendees (1)

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