Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Experience an innovative conceptual thinking tool that integrates analytical and imaginative thinking to create better, more robust business strategies applicable to any complex problem. In this highly interactive session learn a tool and techniques you can use day-to-day to discover both real root causes and awaken to new aspirational opportunities in complex problems leading to new insights on how to best innovate. We will create an explicit logical map connecting actionable tactics to strategic pillars to broad strategic vision as a better way to articulate robust strategies with ownership.

Key Takeaways:
  • How to use a structured process to surface new connections and hidden insights
  • Greater ability to identify the right level of challenge using the “Why/What’s Stopping?” analysis
  • Converge with commitment on the most important challenges
avatar for Tim Basadur

Tim Basadur

Lead Trainer and Facilitator, Basadur Applied Innovation
I have been facilitating and training people in CPS for 30+ years. I have been a presenter at CPSI for nearly 20 years now and when I was a wee lad I helped my father, Min Basadur, with his CPSI presentations.
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 214

Attendees (2)

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