Subject: Self-Reflection clear filter
Thursday, March 13

10:00am EDT

Living Your Core Values
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Values are qualities or characteristics that describe who we are and who we want to be - as facilitators, educators, leaders, and people. When we understand our values and act on them, we are more likely to make a positive impact on ourselves, others, and the world around us. In this session, you’ll engage in hands-on exercises, reflection, and discussion to identify your core values and discover creative ways to take action on them, giving you a new tool to show up as your authentic self in your work and your life in general.

Participants will:
• Identify your core values
• Discover ways to act on your values
• Plan which values you’ll prioritize and how
avatar for Abby Keenan

Abby Keenan

Mental Performance Coach, Intrepid Performance Consulting, LLC
Abby Keenan is an entrepreneur and mental performance coach with a passion for supporting student-athletes through their performance struggles and stressors. She blends her experiences as a facilitator, former competitive swimmer, mentor, and sport psychology professional to teach... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Room 214

10:00am EDT

Play Your Way To Success
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Participants will use LEGO bricks to build 3D models. They are asked to 'build' based on a question they are asked (Build a model where you feel your creativity shines) 2) They share their model (This provides them with story telling confidence and allows others to get to know them - find commonalities/differences) 3) Reflect - participants reflect on the experience, their learnings etc. Depending on the number of participants we will be able to get through 2-3 questions. A final question in each workshop is to build "one action they will take away and apply to their work/life."

Key Takeaways:
  • Confidence (in their ability to share)
  • Story Telling (ability to use alternative methods for sharing their thoughts) 
  • Awareness (through a tactile exercise they can learn something about themselves and others for which a question may not uncover or unlock)
avatar for Gail R Kulas

Gail R Kulas

CFO - Chief Fun Officer, Leading to Unlock, LLC
Gail is a self-described “itchy sweater” - she helps people become more comfortable being uncomfortable.  She is a dynamic force in the world of business strategy, education, and personal development. As the founder of Leading to Unlock, she has dedicated her career to unlocking... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Room 218

10:00am EDT

Whoop, There It Is! Creativity, Perception & Communication
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
In this interactive session, we will explore how shifting perceptions can enhance creativity and even improve communication!  Through hands-on perception exercises, including optical illusions and word games, you'll engage your senses and rewire thinking patterns to see the world in fresh, innovative ways. You will gain practical skills in the dual solutions of perception-checking and empathy building.

Key Takeaways:
• Gain insight into how your brain takes charge without you even knowing it
• Understand a clear connection between the perception process, creativity, and communication
• Learn how to change your perceptions, open your mind, and enhance your creativity
avatar for Katharine Rumrill-Teece

Katharine Rumrill-Teece

Professor / Trainer, Onondaga Community College
Katharine Rumrill-Teece is an accomplished Trainer, Facilitator, and Professor of Communication with over 30 years of experience leading impactful workshops and training programs.  With a Master’s degree in Intercultural Communication & Conflict Resolution and a Doctorate in Executive... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Room 208

1:00pm EDT

Creative Ways of Dealing With Difficult People...and Looking Forward To It! The Positive Messages These People Bring to Our Lives
Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
If you are a member of a committee, head of a business or organization or simply a person who has difficult people in your life, like a colleague, friend, family member, who are e.g. angry, controlling, demanding, this course is for you. You'll experience creative ways of dealing with difficult people so you make peace not war. Bring your difficult people scenarios and we’ll generate, thru role playing, many powerful and practical approaches to solving these frustrating situations and you'll leave with a time-tested handout of tools and techniques, in a session that will be filled with humor and poignant moments.

Key Takeaways:
  • Identify the underlying reasons why people become frustrated, upset, angry, entitled or controlling. 
  • Learn specific techniques and phrases to defuse an angry person and calm their behavior.
  • Make life easier and more enjoyable by not allowing difficult people to steal your joy — no matter what!
avatar for Steve Shama

Steve Shama

Retired, JoyWorks
Steve is a retired physician and a proud 25 year member of the CPSI and the creativity community, giving  many sessions at CPSI and Mindcamp. He's a full time professional speaker,  engaging audiences on topics dear to his heart…endearing communications, empathic connections between... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 214

1:00pm EDT

Curiosity can Save the World (or at least our relationships!)
Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
In this session, we will explore how moving from the need to be right to embracing curiosity can foster deeper connection, even in disagreements. Through practical exercises and embodiment practices, you will learn how to shift your mindset, rekindle curiosity, and approach difficult conversations with openness and empathy. Participants will walk away with tangible tools to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and find connection in unexpected places.

Key Takeaways:
  • Be inspired by the Power of Curiosity in Conflict: Participants will learn how shifting from the need to be right to embracing curiosity can transform difficult conversations into opportunities for deeper connection, even with those they disagree with.
  • Gain skills to overcoming Barriers to Listening: Participants will explore common barriers to listening during hard conversations—such as the need for validation or protection—and practice skills to listen more effectively, even when the conversation is emotionally triggering.
  • Learn practical Tools for Connection: Attendees will leave with actionable techniques—such as relaxing the body, asking reflective questions, and recognizing shared vision—to rekindle curiosity and improve communication in both personal and professional relationships.
avatar for Verónica Márquez

Verónica Márquez

Somatic Practitioner, Executive Coach, Researcher, Self Employed
I’m a Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Executive Coach and Founder of Between Us - a global initiative that aims to alleviate disconnection and loneliness by fostering community discussions on complex topics like belonging, anger, and power. Over the past six years... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 208

4:30pm EDT

Exploring Creativity: Navigating Teaching and Learning in 2025
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This workshop will assist participants to unearth their hidden creativity to discover their originality in ideas and thoughts that appeal to the Affective domain of teaching and learning. An exploration of perceptions, activities, and reflections will mobilize unforeseen talents and boost confidence in the use of creative tools and techniques grounded in theories and research.

Key Takeaways:
  • A range of hands-on activities
  • Creative thinking strategies and application to teaching and learning
  • Ideation tools that supersede traditional brainstorming
  • You can implement the new tools that you take home in your classroom immediately
avatar for Dr. Eleanor Pierre

Dr. Eleanor Pierre

Professor, McMaster University
Dr. Eleanor Pierre has a doctorate in Curriculum Studies from OISE-UT. She performs training and workshops for colleges and universities in a variety of areas, including teacher education, change management, program review, and evaluation of teaching and learning. She has several... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 218

4:30pm EDT

How to Turn your Creative Blocks into Opportunities for (Self) Connection
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
We all experience creative blocks! Whether working on a blog post, a piece of art, or a client presentation, we sometimes freeze in front of a blank canvas (or an empty Google Slide). This sense of paralysis can lead to internal conflict, judgment, or shame—but it can also create a pathway to greater intimacy with ourselves. In this workshop, you will learn a unique step-by-step approach to turning creative blocks into opportunities for self-connection and growth.

Key Takeaways:
  • Learn a step-by-step process to turn creative blocks into opportunities for self-knowledge and deeper self-expression.
  • Practice identifying the assumptions and expectations that may be limiting your creativity.
  • Explore the difference between emotions and perceptions, and practice recognizing the emotions that arise when feeling disconnected from your creativity—so you can transform them.
avatar for Verónica Márquez

Verónica Márquez

Somatic Practitioner, Executive Coach, Researcher, Self Employed
I’m a Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Executive Coach and Founder of Between Us - a global initiative that aims to alleviate disconnection and loneliness by fostering community discussions on complex topics like belonging, anger, and power. Over the past six years... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 208

4:30pm EDT

Using the Enneagram to Facilitate Creative Growth
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This will be an engaging workshop that invites participants to explore the both the strengths and challenges of their personality style and learn ways to maximize the creative flow in themselves and others by thinking critically, engaging empathy, and acting mindfully.  Attendees will learn about Enneagram personality styles, wings, subtypes, and patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing when in stress and when at our best that either hinder or support creativity and growth.  They will collaboratively create action plans based on personality styles to help them move through their creative blocks.

Key Takeaways:
  • A deep dive into multiple ways to utilize the Enneagram to support their creative growth.
  • Ideas for how to facilitate creativity of others based on different personality styles.
  • Links for free resources to support their continued creative growth using the Enneagram.
avatar for Dr. Helene Robinson

Dr. Helene Robinson

Director of Critical & Creative Design Thinking Program, University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee Campus
Thursday March 13, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 215
Friday, March 14

9:00am EDT

How to Have An Unforgettably Creative Life
Friday March 14, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Have you ever wished for a creative life, filled with joy and gratefulness? To live a creative life is to fully live, to be able to find the child in you and to get permission for it to express itself whenever. Imagine being able to easily find and tap into that part of you, light your way each day, to support you in your journey so that you can commit to making the rest of your life one unforgettably incredible creative adventure! In this session, we will explore it through group interaction and using wonderful handouts, quotations and stories, what an unforgettably creative life looks like, what gets in your way, how do we make it better and how do we know it's working? The sessions is guaranteed to put a smile on your creative face, to warm your creative heart, and to be unforgettable.

Key Takeaways:
  • Define what an unforgettably creative life would look like
  • Describe what gets in your way of having an incredibly creative life
  • Explore ways of making it better
  • Leave with techniques to keeping this new life fresh...forever
avatar for Steve Shama

Steve Shama

Retired, JoyWorks
Steve is a retired physician and a proud 25 year member of the CPSI and the creativity community, giving  many sessions at CPSI and Mindcamp. He's a full time professional speaker,  engaging audiences on topics dear to his heart…endearing communications, empathic connections between... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Room 208

1:00pm EDT

Pause and Ponder: Enhancing Focus through Guided Contemplation
Friday March 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
In this session, participants will engage in a series of hands-on contemplation activities designed to focus attention, deepen engagement, and enhance understanding. Using different modalities—writing, drawing, looking—you will explore how contemplative practices help build sustained attention skills and inspire inquiry and insight, revealing new ways of knowing. In addition to helping viewers develop deeper reflective practices around art viewing, participants will also consider how these activities could be used as part of their general facilitation toolbox.

Key Takeaways: 
  • Learn the basics of contemplative pedagogy.
  • Engage in several deep encounters with works of art.
  • Gain a few new tools for your facilitation practice.
avatar for Kim Macuare, Ph.D

Kim Macuare, Ph.D

Director of Education and Co-Director of Innovation Labs, The Dali Museum
In her role as the lead program designer and facilitator for the Innovation Labs, Kim has helped many organizations—from non-profits to government entities to Fortune 100 companies—build their innovation capacities by developing creativity-focused mindsets and problem-solving... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 218

4:30pm EDT

Discovering What Matters in the Big Picture: Challenge Mapping to Awaken Breakthrough Powerful Problem Definitions
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Experience an innovative conceptual thinking tool that integrates analytical and imaginative thinking to create better, more robust business strategies applicable to any complex problem. In this highly interactive session learn a tool and techniques you can use day-to-day to discover both real root causes and awaken to new aspirational opportunities in complex problems leading to new insights on how to best innovate. We will create an explicit logical map connecting actionable tactics to strategic pillars to broad strategic vision as a better way to articulate robust strategies with ownership.

Key Takeaways:
  • How to use a structured process to surface new connections and hidden insights
  • Greater ability to identify the right level of challenge using the “Why/What’s Stopping?” analysis
  • Converge with commitment on the most important challenges
avatar for Tim Basadur

Tim Basadur

Lead Trainer and Facilitator, Basadur Applied Innovation
I have been facilitating and training people in CPS for 30+ years. I have been a presenter at CPSI for nearly 20 years now and when I was a wee lad I helped my father, Min Basadur, with his CPSI presentations.
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 214

4:30pm EDT

The new sciences of creativity, newness, and Genius: in search of Vincents, Pablos, and Salvadors
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This is a unique practical session that shapes NEW geniuses in the field of visual arts. It uses the Genius Education Methodology to wake up genius and lead the participants to the genius path. At least three geniuses will walk out of the door — this is the planned outcome. 

Key Takeaways:
  • Scientific approach accelerates development immensely
  • Genius explained scientifically is easier to develop.
  • Be a new Genius!
avatar for Andrei Aleinikov

Andrei Aleinikov

Retired, International Academy of Genius, President
Dr. Andrei Aleinikov is “the MegaCreativity Man” as Dr. Torrance called him for the discovery of megacreativity, for founding 10 new sciences, including the sciences of newness, creativity, and genius, for the discovery of 11 new laws of conservation, for publishing over 160 books... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Room 208
Saturday, March 15

9:00am EDT

Hello Fellow FLCCers (Flickers)! Is Your Mind Abuzz with Ideas? Let's do something about them!
Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
After an enlightening and stimulating conference, participants have the chance to give themselves the gift of time for pausing and reflecting, so they can be more effective at implementing change when they get home? This workshop serves as an opportunity for participants to consider what they've learned and how they will implement their new ideas. The session will incorporate collaboration, mindfulness, reflection, and planning. 

Key Takeaways:
  • Participants will experience self-reflection regarding their implementation successes of the past and use that information to support their future endeavors
  • Participants will engage in a guided visualization
  • Participants will leave with a plan in place for implementing the new ideas they've gleaned from the conference
avatar for Jen Verbakel

Jen Verbakel

Owner, The Art of Amateurity
Jen is a doodler, a creative dabbler, and a sewing gal! She is also a certified Kaizen Muse Creativity Coach. She believes that creativity helps people take up their own unique space, and she is working towards embodying that presence as well. She loves to chat about creative... Read More →
Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Room 215

9:00am EDT

Story Alchemy®: Becoming the Hero of Your Own Life
Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
The formula is simple: Find an old story, change it, get a new one.
That’s the universal quest—and the process of Story Alchemy®.
But how do we that? How do we find our deepest core issues, transform them, and become the hero of our own life?
Story Alchemy® is the only stand-alone therapeutic system, rooted in four foundational pillars: insightful journaling, meditation, mindful movement, and a connection to nature. Separate, each of these healing modalities is a potent elixir. Together, they are magic.

Key Takeaways:
  • Shift your point of view and perspective through a unique process called “Transformational Narration.”
  • Cultivate healthy self-love
  • Access the knowledge, creativity, and confidence you need to write a new life story
avatar for Rachel Schaeffer

Rachel Schaeffer

therapist/writer/coach/teacher, self-employed
I've spent the past 30+ years teaching and facilitating large groups, mainly at retreat centers, colleges, and hospitals.
Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Room 214

9:00am EDT

Uncover Your Brand's Super Powers
Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
You have everything inside of you to succeed… but how to sort it out and USE it purposefully?
Isn’t it time to Awaken to your potential, that will help you love life AND impact others?
If you relate to the above let’s use our creativity and personal ‘assets’ to design the way forward, to launch your year powerfully and purposefully.

Key Takeaways:
* Your Brand’s Values
* Learn how to use your strengths to live a life you love
* Generate the affirmations & plan that will propel you forward
avatar for Judy Winslow

Judy Winslow

CEO - Chief Excitement Officer, UnforgettableBrands
Judy Winslow, founder of UnforgettableBrands, is a well-known brandologist focused on transforming businesses. With decades of experience, she diagnoses structural vulnerabilities, offering bespoke brand solutions that amplify uniqueness. Her philosophy sees businesses as an entrepreneur's... Read More →
Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Room 208

1:00pm EDT

Don’t Sleep on Networking: An Ice Water Cocktail Party
Saturday March 15, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Join us for an Ice Water Cocktail Party (with a slight twist).  Brave guests will do their best to go beneath the surface in their networking and connect with other guests on a deeper level.  No worries if you feel you never know what to talk about in these situations…we have sneaky ways to handle awkward pauses and sleepy small talk!

Key Takeaways:
  • Learn a grid technique for sharing about themselves and learning about others
  • Interact with others to practice implementing the grid techniques
  • See and be seen in a deeper, and more connective way
avatar for Amanda Cook

Amanda Cook

Founder, The Teacher’s Edge, Inc 501(c)(3)
Amanda is veteran public school teacher and community advocate. She is a 2008 graduate of UNCG with a BA in Dance Education and minor in Communication Studies. She holds a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction and Teacher Leadership from Gardner Webb University.In 2020 she... Read More →
Saturday March 15, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 218

1:00pm EDT

The Basadur Profile: Creativity and Innovation with Original Style
Saturday March 15, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
The aim of this interactive, experiential session is to enable participants to discover and describe their unique preferred blend of the different stages of the Basadur creative problem solving process, and also to understand the preferences of others. Through use of the original CPS style preference instrument, the Basadur Profile, learn how to more fully internalize the process and put it into everyday practice, honing your own unique approach to creativity and increasing your effectiveness in working with others.

Key Takeaways:
  • Increase sensitivity to individual differences in problem solving style
  • Identify your own unique creative process style
  • Understand the power of cognitive diversity as distinct from knowledge diversity
avatar for Tim Basadur

Tim Basadur

Lead Trainer and Facilitator, Basadur Applied Innovation
I have been facilitating and training people in CPS for 30+ years. I have been a presenter at CPSI for nearly 20 years now and when I was a wee lad I helped my father, Min Basadur, with his CPSI presentations.
Saturday March 15, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 208

3:00pm EDT

An Adventure in Creative Problem Solving – Join the Quest!
Saturday March 15, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
This engaging session brings the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process to life through the educational strategy of gamification. Teachers and Trainers will embark on a creative adventure, guided by four problem-solving experts: The Detective (Clarifying the Problem), The Idea Engineer (Ideation), The Quality Control Solution Inspector (Develop), and The Trailblazer (Implement). As participants navigate each challenge presented, they will sharpen their communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and the creative problem-solving skills.

Key Takeaways:
  • By experiencing the educational strategy of gamification firsthand, educators/trainers will learn how to apply it to design more engaging, effective, and fun lessons/ training sessions.
  • Participants will deepen their understanding of the CPS process and the Creative Thinking Skills involved as they progress through each step of the gamification /simulation as they collaborate to solve the “Climate Quicksand Challenge.”
  • Educators will learn strategies to integrate the Creative Problem Solving process into their classroom curriculum and training sessions.

avatar for Kathy Frazier

Kathy Frazier

Gifted Education and Creativity Specialist, Touching the Future Today LLC
Kathy Frazier, M.A., EDS, is a gifted education specialist at Orange City Schools, Ohio, and co-founder of Touching the Future Today LLC, which provides professional development for K-12 teachers. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, an Educational... Read More →
Saturday March 15, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Room 214
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